Saturday, May 25, 2024

Record of Where I Left Off

Before I stripped the studio for my guest, I took a progress photo to remember that these are the start of the next work. I never hesitate to make note of what's on the wall, as it time stamps the process, translates the composition in a small scale, and let's me take the 'sketch' with me should I need a reference.


  1. Looking forward to seeing where this one goes, when you come back to it!

  2. Carol in Denver26/5/24 13:51

    I smiled when I saw your fabrics on the wall. They are cheerful and exciting.

  3. Joan Backus30/5/24 15:31

    OK. Once again, I look at these fabrics, shake my head, and say to myself, “how the heck is she going to make these all look great together?” And yet I know - of course I know! - that you will make magic here with all these joyous colours and shapes. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
