Thursday, February 28, 2019

Scrap Bag

I consider the left over cuts from the larger works "scraps", but these are not average commercial prints. They are part of my hand prints, and have lots of life. Not to mention that there are changes in the pieces themselves. So, tomorrow I'll combine, uncouple, and reset for another small improv piece.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

What It Looks Like

A metaphor for life -- one continuous twist. This Max Bill sculpture in granite caught my eye last weekend, it's at the Baltimore Art Museum. But I was also going to post a "snow" picture of today's latest dump, and thought this was the same color and weight (figuratively) of what's outside my door.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

In the Meantime, In Between Time

This is about 2' x 2'. I'm getting a few smaller works in the queue to take when I teach at QSDS this June. I've planned a great week of "Design Camp" where we start with small works and work into larger, more complex ones. So, this is starting small. Well, medium.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Getting Philosophical

Reaching the ripe age where it is superfluous to add more candles, and best to just multiply a large number times 2, should give pause for reflection. But that would not be me, or at least, not publicly. So, let's just say, I had a wonderful little birthday, and intend to continue to celebrate for at least another week.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sore Butt

A major part of my day was submitting work for two shows. You'd think it was just a few clicks, but one asked for a resume, list of images, and artist statements in document form. Believe me, I feel I've played a video game (think myst) and after several hours, won.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Skinny Lines

I've got another small piece on the design wall. To add a skinny line that is slightly curved I've cut some strips on an angle from a piece of fabric. After is left, before is right. That slight bias works that curved line well without bunching.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Foot Square

The light chalk lines are letting me know the boundaries I'll keep in mind when I trim the excess before I quilt this little block. I'm not sure where I'll use this, perhaps as a little study for a larger work. Or for an auction piece. Either way, it's a great improv design exercise.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Poster Child

I'm using a poster where I've cut a 12" x 12" window to help me edit where to land the square. After a few experimentations, I think I'll keep this one for the SAQA auction. Now to finish and on to quilting.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Improv Sketches

I'll be taking  a few small works on the road, or sending to auction. So, I've leftover bits to assemble, cut apart, reassemble, recombine. QSDS's class this June -- "Design Camp: Improv Fabric Sketches" works like this. (Bad title but great fun.) Hey -- join me! It's class #19

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Going Through Phases

Tonight's full moon reminded me of this plate printed by Beckett Wood. The phases of the moon are illustrated, with each shape reminding me that we do come full circle, or perhaps return again and again to what we were. Happy February full moon.

Monday, February 18, 2019

On Your Mark

My trip to the Baltimore Museum of Art was mainly to check their exhibit of Kuba cloth. Particularly because I'm getting ready to teach a class on mark making through printing. These are appliqued, and ours will be screen printed. Find the class at Pro Chemical and Dye. Just a few spots left.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Art for the Heart

The Baltimore Art Museum was clever to hand out paper hearts with instructions to choose a work one liked and leave the heart with the work. This Mark Bradford piece had many hearts, and I am posting it here for you to leave yours.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Dark City

On a weekend trip to visit family I'm safely tucked in and ready to hit the hay. There's a day to explore tomorrow, but just getting here is the task finished.

Friday, February 15, 2019

End of Winter's Bloom

Winter will be around for a while, I know. But it was time to let go of the blossoms that provided so much cheer at the end of the year. So, the last of my bulbs, and time to live with a minimum of decorations. Yes, that's snow under it all.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Four for a Challenge

There is a challenge for those who are part of QSDS, and I love to do this. So, to convey Blue, Green, Red and Yellow I made these four 12 x 12 pieces to send on for this June's gathering in Columbus, Ohio. They'll be in great company.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Weekend Treasure

I can't buy every lovely antique quilt I see, but I can admire them for their design and graphic quality. Plus, I can capture them in a photograph, as much as I can, to spark that image I'd like to remember. This is a late 1800s, early 1900s log cabin "Straight Furrow" type in silks and velvets.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

In Progress

I've got a pot on the stove, and will dunk these in boiling water for 15 minutes to get out dye that hasn't  bonded. Then back in the wash, iron, stack. I'll be bringing these to the Thursday quilt club meeting to sell. What is left will travel with me around the states.

Monday, February 11, 2019

More Red

You can see that after a weekend of printing I've got most of the thickened dye corralled at the end of the print table. I will let this sit overnight and then add add add. Ah, the luxury of having the dye studio so close to home (because it is home!).

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Stack O'Prints

Thursday I'll be selling printed fabric at the Genesee Valley Quilt Club here in Rochester before the meeting (like 9 to 10:30). I seem to always have red left to use, maybe a little goes a long way, so I'm using it up here. You can call me stacked!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Working Remotely

My foursome challenge needs facings sewn down, so I'm settled in front of the television and a stack of Netflix choices. It's why I like winter, down time, and a movie I've wanted to see.

Friday, February 8, 2019

I Own a Barn

I've always wanted a barn. A real one, preferably. But I can't see that becoming a reality, so I bought the next best thing (with emphasis on best): a barn sculpture by Darryl Abraham. Won't need to paint it, reroof it, or treat for powder post beetles. Just enjoy owing a barn. Thanks, Darryl.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Three in the Store

I love Shop One 2 for many reasons. The campus gallery at RIT has extremely high quality work by mostly regional artists, they carry my work, and best of all they let me know when they need more. So I've added these three printed silk scarves to their shelves. Visit if you are near, it is a gem.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Gallery Walk

Clifton Springs, New York, has a sweet gallery "Main Street Art Gallery" where I stopped tonight to revisit. And I'm glad I saw Susan Huggins Leopard's work about her grandmother. The collage of prints shows the strength of repeating images and layers of images. I like to do that myself.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tools Some More

While I am at the "wet" side of the studio printing fabric, I glance back to ruminate on what's hanging on the design wall. Next up are some 24" square works for Improv class. I'll use this sheet of mylar (with a 24" square drawn in marker) to select the area that I want.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Four On Deck -- Improv Sketches

I took a break from printing to get these four small works on the longarm to quilt. Sure is nice to gang them together to quilt. They're a good example of improv sketches -- my  Design Camp class at QSDS this June, where they will be on exhibit.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Oh, Love Those Os

February is printing month here.This silkscreen has just the simplest graphic. And I've got versions were I've added color, which is where the fun is, you know.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Hanging Out

OK. Not the most exciting thing here to see. But it finally dawned on me, and realize I've done this for about 500 yards of fabric, I can hang with one pin. Old dogs can indeed learn new tricks. And yes, I already said this isn't exciting. I know, but for me, yes. 

Friday, February 1, 2019

New Tricks to Learn

I'm getting ready to print more fabric. My order of 100 meters of pfd is here, and after soda ash soak, these yard cuts are piled in my utility sink to "drip". I'll hang them later. Thanks to Ellen in Florida for this tip. Such a good idea, and no more major drips on my basement floor.

View of the Design Wall

I'm a bit late with my Thursday post. I worked on these little pieces for the QSDS challenge today. Wanted to show what I could do with my printed fabric. I'll be teaching in Columbus, Ohio early June for QSDS, and offer a week of design -- Design Camp! It's fun, freeing, and fantastic.