Friday, July 26, 2024

Show Off Time

I got to see the wrap-up auction for Quilting By the Lake in Geneva, New York tonight. What fun, it must have been a great week for them. This person was in Paula Kovarik's class where three dimensional quilting objects were constructed. The reindeer and mouse-in-a-pillow were impressive! 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Graphics for Trust the Land

Four artists (one is moi) are in a show that opens next weekend at The Dove Project. I volunteered to design and make the title wall. I've five panels, this one is mine. Lucky to have a clear cutting table and that gorgeous long for trimming. Yes, that's my fabric cutter used for paper. I'll change it out soon.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can't Outdo the Backdrop


A last look back as I scroll the images from the past week and a half. Alaska is so spectacular, one is always and immediately humbled at one's surroundings. So, at home, as I get groceries, take out the trash, unpack the cases, I'm terrible happy to have returned, and also grateful to have been away..

July and the Full Moon

July's full moon I never saw. I was bed before the light faded, so high a latitude in Juneau, I hadn't the energy to wait for it. So, a fabulous poppy from the Botanical Garden here, posting 9:30 Juneau time, but from 1:30 Rochester time, where I'm landed at last, and we're counting this post as Tuesday. Time!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Parting Shot

We chose to forgo a visit to town and any cultural center in lieu of another fishing outing. I observed, mainly, and was  quite content to take in all I could of Alaska's vastness. This is my parting shot from  dock as we headed home, and my packing to leave. It was glorious, peaceful, and exciting. Thanks to my hosts and students for everything.

It's a Rainforest

 We stayed on dry land today, but still near the coast. Our best find was a 500 ft beaver dam on the trail, a sight to see.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Saturday Was the Fun Day

I'm posting this Alaska time in the evening. At four hours behind New York (home) time, it will ready as the next day. End of class means the start of exploring Juneau. We started in my host's boat on the water with the sight of whales, sea lions, eagles, and yes, catching two king salmon. Need I say "dinner"? 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Best Time of the Day

 Each morning was a discussion of work we've made.  Always a great look at choices, technique, and thoughtful suggestions. I've had a great week with this Juneau gang, and will miss their perseverance. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Sunshine at Last

 It rained a week before I arrived, and every day till today. So with sunshine and new energy, we could hang our prints outside. Juneau weather!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Into Screens

We are hot and heavy in screens today. Trying two color prints, adding backgrounds, figuring motifs. The basics for printing in fabric. All good. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rubbing Our Time Away

The remnants of the rains that have lasted for days slowly lifted today, which was heartening to see. We finished the morning with another stab at rubbings and stencils with great success. Still, these were long days, but we are making great progress on fabric prints.