Friday, September 13, 2024

More to Come

I managed to finish more of the summer's half-printed pieces. I'll add them to the website store Saturday evening if I get the chance. This one I thing I'll keep because, well, just because. It is getting more difficult to not keep all of the yards, but then, there are sooooo many.


  1. Anonymous14/9/24 12:19

    Your talent and your productivity are wonders!

  2. Joan Backus14/9/24 16:21

    I think this beauty could stand as a whole-cloth quilt. It’s like an abstract painting, and it is absolutely gorgeous. I like the way you’ve been able to keep the yellow and blue as integral colours, rather than allowing them to become green mush. (And yes, I have printed too many pieces of fabric that have a lot of green mush on them.) Where the hints of green appear, they are lovely.

    1. Joan, I'm gonna have you write my book (when ever that is!) just so you can make sense of these things. I see it and just think, hmm, nice. You figure out why.
