Sunday, September 15, 2024

Back to the Studio

You see a cropped look at the piece I'm aiming to make a 30" square. It'll be close call here as I wasn't keeping to my 3" rule --  make it oversized by 3" -- one for the quilting, one for the square, and one for the facing. This will take some fine trimming.  Why do I make this so difficult? 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Plein Air Day

It's becoming one of my favorite days of the year -- the Plein Air day in Clifton Springs, NY. This is the second time; I'm showing my 'rig' of kid's wagon, tubes of paint (any and all), and adjustible computer stand as easel. I have a ball. The Main Street Arts is generous, fun, and inventive. So lovely. I'll attach my submission below, which sold. (!!)


Friday, September 13, 2024

More to Come

I managed to finish more of the summer's half-printed pieces. I'll add them to the website store Saturday evening if I get the chance. This one I thing I'll keep because, well, just because. It is getting more difficult to not keep all of the yards, but then, there are sooooo many.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

An Another to Pair

I've set out to make one specifically to a size and purpose. I've started with this group of discards because the shapes  appealls to me. It needs to finish at 30" square, so I' aiming to rough it to 32 - 33 before quilting, trimming and facing. I allow an inch for each one of those tasks. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Such Small

I got a couple of hours in Studio 301 today and made progress on this little auction quilt. When I've another small work (for an upcoming show) I'll gang them and quilt on the longarm. This will go to Schweinfurth. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Start of Something Little

Rite of Spring was accepted in Quilts=Art=Quilts for this fall. The Schweinfurth asks for a small donated work, which I have made in the past to resemble the large work. Here's my start after searching for the odds and ends of the large piece. It was quite a hunt. The large is on the wall, small on the table.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Newest Yards, And It's About Time

Shy of a dozen, I've added more yards to my website store. It's getting harder to let these go, and lordy knows I've way more than I can use in my life time. But still, I pick out those that will hang around the studio and maybe make the 'cut'. Then I add a stack for selling. But I really want to keep those, too.

Sunday, September 8, 2024


Last night, at a folk festival here, there was the dearest workshop on crankies. I remembered that Paula Kovarik made a crankie a couple of years back, which is indicative of her bold approach to her work, always experimenting. For sport, find out about crankies, as well as Paula.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Recon Mission

Part of getting an exhibit planned is specifying the graphic, traffic, amount of work and what else is needed. So, I made a visit to the Little Cafe to see what we had to work with. For notes, I used the edit feature of my phone's camera to note size and height of this panel we'll use for the title and blurb.

Friday, September 6, 2024

First Friday Visitors

I have no idea who this is, or to whom he is talking. But it seemed that he could drop in from the hallway, see my work, and continue his chat all in the same sweep. He left still on his phone. That's OK, I was at the cutting table listening to jazz and slicing away.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Collection of Sorts

This set has been hanging in the wings a few weeks now. I moved them to the larger design wall and started to tackle the composition they demand. It's a good idea to select, then stick to that set. Makes it both difficult and easy. And I'll say again, the work is done in the printing, so I've elements to use.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Today was the final day for "No Time to Be Tame" exhibit in Clifton Springs, NY. The three person show was one of the nicest I've be involved with. Upstairs is a reading library with reference books chosen to compliment the current exhibit. I give you Ellsworth Kelly's image with my work on the wall.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Last Look

It was time to take the exhibit at The Dove Project in Geneva, New York down and give the gallery space over to the next month's artists. This photograph shows how large the work is, how it works with smaller works from the quartet of artists in the show. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Binding the Joe Method

Joe Cunningham has a method for facings. He's put forth dozens of 'The Quilt Report' on YouTube about his work and methods. Always charming, and full of suggestions, he makes his binding better than mine, so here is a corner of my latest. Check on his version:

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Downtown Today

Out of town visitors suggested we see what the flea market at the center of town had to offer. My eyes were opened to what the crowd looked like (not me) and wanted -- old retro clothing. There were some refashioned fashions, colorful apparal, and a few food trucks to tempt. All news to me.