Saturday, August 31, 2024

New and Just Hungup

My cape-coddie house hasn't a lot of wall space, but what's there holds the rotating collection. This is the latest, all set to go for October's little show at The Little Cafe. It's based on Make It & Break It, and I used the parts for a while in demonstration. Time to decide and finish, I thought. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Discharge Day Results

It's not often I discharge, maybe once a summer. This time I've older dyed fabric (first three on left), previously discharged fabric (fushia w/large circles) and prints in multicolors. The results were fascinating. I was using screens and rubbings. Screens held my interest the most. All here are washed.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Discharge Day

The perfect day to get together with a friend at her house by the lake and discharge fabrics. We're using predyed or printed fabric with bleach cleaner products. I've tried screens and rubbings, and at this moment my fabrics are in the wash Best with natural ventilation, and the view certianly helps!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Washout Again

The pile waited for me to get through the wash. It's unfinshed wash from Coupeville and Juneau's classes, and I'm just now sorting out what if "done" and what needs more. Then I'll sort again for the keepers and the webstore yards. But there's more to be done this week before I get there,

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Something Took Over

While getting the newest piece faced and ready to sew, I caught sight of a couple of yards. Before I could turn around twice, this thing happened. The heavy lifting is from the print, so the piecing was fast. I'll get it quilted when I can. It'll be about 57" square, another for the Be There or Be Square exhibit in October.

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Lineup

The trimmed square is on the left, the others are waiting for me to finish to get to them and assemble. Good to be in the studio, first in many days, and to see just how much heat I can take. 82 wasn't too bad, tomorrow is another story. Tonight I'll sew the facing and take in a movie -- whooo hooo.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Back to Gammill Time

It's a slow reboot for quilting these next two pieces. But, steady will win, right? I luuuuv drawing around these marks, and in that imperfect way only this wild machine can do. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Counting Quilting

While I was in Cape Cod a couple of weeks ago, I got to revisit Joe Cunningham's exhibit. To see work up close and in person is always a treat. The scale, the construction, and the 'true' color (always dependent on the light) is valuable info. Since my work today was mundane, here's a detail of "4,000 Beagles" by Joe.

Friday, August 23, 2024

WaY Behind in Final Celebrations

I'm back from my week being a grandmother. And I am happily home from a summer of travels, and I realize I am woefully lacking the celebratory ice-cream-ending ritual of finishing a class with a dish. This is from Whitbey Island and the great Pacific Northwest Art School (and Joan) so tomorrow I'm due!


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Design Wall


I may have posted this before, but I'm still intrigued with the patterning of this print. It'll be on the design wall soon, when I can return to the studio.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Better Left Alone

 Sometimes a print can stand all on its own. I'll most likely quilt this whole for the "square" show 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Family Time

 It's warm, we have a pool, we have adoring grown-ups to love our every move. What's not to like? Happy summer's end.

Monday, August 19, 2024

August Supermoon

 My August moon shot is a wooden swing from a slick gallery in Wellfleet, Massachusetts.  I trid out the one hanging  outside,  it was super cool.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Doll's House

I made this almost 30 years ago when I had small children. Now there are small children again and this is  it's moving day. The grandchildren might like it. Heaven knows it certainly needs to be furnished. Grab the glue!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Workable Square

I'm compilimg a set of works that are based on a square. This is a composition that may become larger (still square format) but is split almost down the middle and has two different base prints. It is the common background yellow that allows one to flow in to the other. Love when that happens.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Back on the Design Wall

I've a couple of days before I head over to visit family, but I squeezed in a day at the studio. This set has been jumping up to the top of the pile for quite some time, so I might as well deal with this demand. I love the strong strike of the motif -- some of my old favorites and some new.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Tools of the Tirade

It happens. The tension on the logarm acted irratically. So, time to rip out the bad, and for that i've got a seam ripper and a ripper with a little curved blade. I'll be back on the machine tomorrow. Gonna rain anyhow.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Within the Frame Framed

A student took me in the act of taking a picture. You can see our makeshift pin wall, a darn good composition, and happy response to finishing. It was fun, even if there was a blue sky, the ocean a short drive away, and early August. We had stamina!


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Broadcast News


The Main Street Arts Gallery has a talk among the gallery director Bradley Butler and the artists who are in the exhibition "No Time to Be Tame" that Bradley organized. It's thought provoking, and available on YouTube. Here you go:

Monday, August 12, 2024

Plein Air on the Cape

As I look back at images I've gathered from my class on improv design on Cape Cod I happened on this. It is the spirit of making do, as our class was a bit wee small for our growing compositions. Outside the door was a lovely bit of shade and room to compost with the pieces we had assembled. A nice day indeed.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

East Coast

Just shy of three weeks ago I stood at the coastline of Alaska,  now I'm sinking my toes in the sand at the National Seashore in Cape Cod. I'm so fortunate.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Within the Frame


Our second day's beginning and Robin has her piece finished. We've covered  a lot of territory and hope tomorrow is as smooth.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Tight Quarters

 The Within the Frame class kickstarted today at the Cahoon Museum of Art. We sailed so fast through improv techniques, so we've time now for testing the new skills. Plus a tour of the Cunningham quilts and Julie Silber quilts.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

True Blue

From my evening walk around Osterville, Massachusetts. That elusive blue only Cape Cod can bear. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Print Inspiration

It may be some weeks before I can return to printing. Meanwhile, I continue to add images from my phone pics to an album for reference. Where it's a shadow or some great graphic, I know I can find these images quickly. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

I Got Nothin'

It was a packing day, errand day, drive around day. All done, and water over the bridge, or in this case, the spillway of the Genesee River. So, no news today, or at least nothing I photographed. Tomorrow is another day! 


Monday, August 5, 2024

Hidden in the Frame

If we're talking about Within the Frame, I'll bring this to the discussion. There are a handful of squares imbedded in this large work (80 x 82) and they are meant to go unnoticed. I love making ones that have a bit of foolery, as they capture the traditional way of hiding or blending pieces in the design.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Within the Frame, Too!

As I was packing, sorting, tossing things today for my trip to Cape Cod and the Cahoon Museum's three day design class, I realized that this piece was a direct descendent of the Within the Frame mentaility. And it can be made square, so I can finish it and put it in the "Be There, Be Square" show in October.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Bucolic Landscape

It was time for an outdoor party this afternoon. The landscape of the finger lakes is varied, and this property has beautiful rolling hillsides. The alpacas were part of the farm here, and made the scene most bucolic. No worry, as there was ample food, partygoers, and music. They are stage right.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Opening Night

With two pieces in this show "Trust the Land: Four Views" I am happy to share the walls with three other talented artists. You've seen the full works; I wanted you to see how the space looked with a crowd enthusiastically taking it all in. At The Dove Project in Geneva, New York till September 1.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Garden of Delight

Although this day was appointment driven (printing, dentist, physical therapy) I managed to get some garden therapy in for a perennial tour of a local gardening group. This urban garden stretched for three homes (all owned by one person) in an exuberent array.