Friday, February 17, 2023

I Asked For This

This morning as I was checking in to my blog,  I see that NOONE wanted to see my new drill (in the actual post below) so here is some eyewash for you to enjoy from Studio 301.
Part of why I make pieced quilts is because of the construction aspect of the production. What many don't know is that I love all types of construction, and have longed for a smaller battery operated drill.  So, an early birthday / late Christmas present came today. I'll be a happy driller.


  1. Sharon Stroud18/2/23 12:28

    You go, girl! More power!

  2. My son has one of these and loves it. I'd buy one, too, except I have slightly larger ones already.

    1. I've already on that does the "heavy" work. They humored me and got the smaller dainty size!
