Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Full Monty

Now seen across the room from where I made it, it looks happy there. I realize that I need a name for it. Nothing seems to fit, so I'll just have to stare at it a while. Which I recommend -- staring that is. It takes time to get to know why you like the piece. 


  1. Looking good! Is it all ready for First Friday?
    The staring part is the reward for finishing, right??!

  2. Love the yellow chairs!

    1. Ha! Thanks for the correction! On my laptop they are a beautiful mustardy yellow!

  3. Joan Backus2/12/22 22:30

    Gosh darn it, you’re good! I really love this quilt, especially the way the lighter colours in the centre are embraced by the deep blues on the sides. It’s as though the blues are doing their best to gently rein in the riot of colour in the centre section. Fabulous!!
