Friday, January 31, 2025

Waiting on the Design Wall

I've scrambled the lower portion of this piece, and I like the progression. I'll move some things around. For my "Columns" fan, this was part of the solution, and for my "Make It & Break It" fans, I've used some of that process as well. Following my OWN advice for this one.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

A Quilting-We-Will-Go

I'm happy the dark and cold keep me indoors, I can stand to spend hours at the longarm without the yearning to be outdoors. I've climbed about 1/3 of this piece, saving some for tomorrow. I split my time between studios today, stopped for groceries, then hunkered down to tackle this. Good day all 'round.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Memory Stash

I'm using fabric I purchased long ago for a backing fabric. It's hard for me to part with some of these because each contains a memory of where it came from, who may have given it, or what I used the fabric for elsewhere. But this is my way of using it and a way to have it stay part of my work. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Finished No Name

Happy to watch programs while sewing the facing and sleeve. Now that it's finished it needs a name. I can only think that it reminds me of a dancing Snoopy from Peanuts, but I need better. I'll live with it a while, till something hits. 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Reds and Pinks

I disassembled my already tumbled pile of prints looking for some red/pink fabric that someone requested. This may be a contender. I'll be printing soon virtually in February, and then for real in Santa Fe. But I've carved out a week in May, near home, in Auburn, New York, to print at the Schweinfurth. Home Printing!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

How Do You Subscribe?

Here's a look at the completed top, I'm finishing it soon. Meanwhile, I was asked how one subscribes to this blog. Darn if I know, but there are a couple of hundred of you who figured it out. Can you enlighten me as to the trick??

Saturday, January 25, 2025


I had this waiting in the wings, and suddenly it became the center player. I think that's the case because it has clearer, more defined elements. So, I constructed it yesterday and am quilting it today and tomorrow. My incentive is that I can watch a movie while I sew the facings and sleeve. 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Why Stencils?

I give you a glimpse into the studio, where I hang a piece of printed fabric each day I'm there. Today I answered an email question from someone who will printing virtually next month -- why need stencils. Searching long for an example (found), then came to work and it was staring at me, upper left of center.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Creeping Progress

I hauled my sorry self over to the studio today. I've reconfigured the one on the main wall, but I'm not satisfied as yet. It's about 74" square. Maybe it's too similar to others I've made, or it's not reached its potential. I like the idea that is has potential!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Pick and Choose

The second day of my virtual workshop Within the Frame took a look at how the surrounding design interacts with the center. These two of many tryouts struck a chord with the class. I will have toe decide which to use, or perhaps make them both!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Next Up

It starts with a pair that meet at their edges. I know I want it taller, so that means additions, and then editing. But that is the process. The cold is hard to take in the 'away' studio, and I've got a workshop in the home studio, so this will have to wait for me till we warm up.  

Monday, January 20, 2025

Snow Day

We called it a snow day, so cancelled an appointment, had three extra hours to set up tomorrow's virtual class Within the Frame, and polish my evening's lecture, and photo a handful of printed yards for my website store (no, there not there yet, but soooon), and catch up on business, and watch the snow.


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Print Some More Midwest

I found this image of the fabric I printed and used in Devil's Garden. I'll add the work below.  Art Quilt Midwest ( has just posted the info on their symposium for the workshops June 23-27 Warrensburg, Missouri near Kansas City.  I'll be there printing! Come with me.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Virtual or In-Person Within the Frame

One person had to cancel in the 'Within the Frame' class that will be Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21 & 22. You can join us 11 to 4 eastern time (New York) for a virtual workshop. If you're curious to do the class in person, I'll be at the Mackinac Island Quilting Art Seminar April 26-May 2, 2025 in Michigan.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Recognition at Cultural Arts Center

The Devil's Garden was accepted in the Cultural Arts Center (in New Albany, Indiana) exhibition Form Not Function, and won an award. You can see the scale of the work; it is in the center, where no one is paying attention to it! I love images like this. Thank you Mindy Brown for the photo.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Ready to Quilt

The top is ready for the longarm for quilting. First, though, I'll need it for a virtual workshop next week. "Within the Frame" is about capturing the stops and starts of images flowing from one frame to the next. In this case, the unbroken square is in the middle, the outside frame built to contain it. Chaos!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Almost There

Chaos is just about finished. I've started to complete the middle column, and laid in the left and right. I'm trying to hold to 72" finished, a trait for which I'm not known, that is, measuring. But I'd like to pair this back to back should the opportunity arise. And there are other designs in the waiting, so I've gotta finish.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Back Home

Plants Take a Holiday has returned home along with Rite Of Spring. The shipping costs are borne by the artist and is one factor for how artists apply to participate in exhibitions. 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Full Moon

It's a rare site to have an actual photo of the full moon in my post, but that's because it's not my camera! It was time for a soak in a wood-fired hot tub under the stars with some hard cider to celebrate. I'll get to work soon enough. For now, it's cheers to the Wolf Moon.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Weekend Workshop

Near to home was a Winter Music Camp and I took the chance to brush up on my singing and playing skills. And got to hear a fine group of musicians. What's not to love.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

  My reminder that their are just two spots left for this virtual class. It's a great way to ignore weather, bad dogs, cleaning junk drawers, and taxes. Info at

Friday, January 10, 2025

Craft Napa Chit Chat

Pokey Bolton asked me to give an inspiring talk, and so I built one for the online retreat, Craft Napa, that she hosts. It was fun, a bit of time, but always helpful to be more precise and clear about what I do and how I think through a problem. Which is probably what they are doing in their workshops! Thanks all!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Night Out

It was cold, but the driving was clear. So, I got out to hear some music. This is a converted train depot where a library is now located. The community room holds the music show, and it's always always great stuff. I show this to prove that I do not work alllll the time!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Scale of the Whale

At a hair over 60 x 60, this is Lunge Feeding. I printed most of the pieces while teaching in Juneau, Alaska. My host and I had some days on her boat fishing, and as this emerged, all I could remember was that below us, deep in the water, were creatures that dwarf us in size. The boat is the faint orange line.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Reaching Back

I searched back to the first days of October to fine where I had started Lunge Feeding -- my latest piece. I'm finishing the hanging strip tonight, and I'll try to get an image tomorrow for you. It sat on the burner way too long. And now that I see this, I can't remember what happened to the piece on the right. 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Printing In or Out

You know I've set a virtual printing class for February, but you can also find me throughout the states in wonderful places like Santa Fe, Kansas City, Coupeville, or Lake Tahoe this year. And for those who crave design /sew classes I'll be in Des Moines and Mackinac Island as well. Info

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Small Exhibits, Big Thoughts

Aaron Delehanty's diorama installation piece is shown at the Anderson Arts Building, in a space one floor above my studio. So, easy for me to take it in this First Friday. He is interested in the confluence of natural history, and human-animal and to non-animal to animal relationships. Big thoughts for a small space. 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Mackinac Island Retreat April 26 - May 2, 2025

I'll be teaching three sew/design classes at the Mackinac Island Retreat -- which promises to be a lovely and inspiring week. Consider "Within The Frame" there, where we'll look at what happens to the frame of a composition. Here's the info:

Friday, January 3, 2025

Influential Printing

I've added one design class for this winter. Many have asked about the printing classes, and I've been taking care of my summer commitments of late. But this snuck in the schedule, and if you're around and interested it's at 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Cleaning the Studio

I folded up a few thing, then noticed that the table was littered with too many peppermint candies, so I ate a few of them. Now I'm ready for First Friday. If you're ever around, it's when studios and galleries are open that evening, and you can find how things are made. Check your town for theirs. It's a thing.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Back on the Wall

I repopulated the design wall, taking all that had been there, and reassembling anew. When I get stuck, that is my way out. I can't say this is near or far from its resolution, but there are elements I like quite a lot. I'll try to get there tomorrow. Friday is First Friday -- already!-- so I'll also take a look at a quick tidy-up.