My big silver case has traveled its last carousel ride. It's been replaced! I've outfitted the new roly poly with red tape polkas. I may have to go bolder as the ambient light in baggage is not good. I'll spray paint when the weather warms.
Contemporary Art Quilter Pat Pauly's random thoughts and excursions made public.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Friday, March 7, 2025
As I was tidying up for company and First Friday, I happened to redirect some fabric to the design wall and this showed up. I'm fond of it, so we'll see how it shakes out. I've left it there for the week I'm gone to Santa Fe, and maybe the studio elves will have a go at moving thing about.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
First Friday Fun in 301
Our studio building, once a shoe factory, now houses a restaurant on the ground floor, as well as a violin shop and four floors of artist's studios. Many open their doors to the 'crowds' on the first Friday of each month. I'll be here in Studio 301, not back on First Fridays till June. So, hey, see me while you can!
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Just Fabric
At the end of the virtual workshop "Printing Under the Influence" I had a pile of first layers. Many times they need little printing, only adding a background or fill. I like this one and I'll bring it to my Santa Fe printing class with MISA next week. If I have room in the suitcases.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Flat Seams Good
A seam pressed flat will allow me to have all the images flat on the 'page' as opposed to the rise that comes from pressing to one side. An experiment learned long ago from a talented teacher. It gives me the greatest range of application when choosing the final quilting. Anyway, here's something never to be seen.
Monday, March 3, 2025
A few hours in the studio gave me a chance to compose this smaller work. The bits are the discards from the last larger piece and I thought it would be a good challenge to limit the fabric choice to that scrap pile. It'll finish at 42" high.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Together at Least
This is one that spins well. I've taken the photo of this on my phone and turned it around. Seems fine in any orientation. But since I've built it in this configuration, I default to this. It reminds me of someone throwing a bouquet of flowers, landing on the ground. Tonight I loaded the longarm and hope to find time to quilt it this week.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Darkness Falls
Having a birthday in February was always a great excuse to party mid the cold and gray. This weekend I managed a few hours in the studio, but when returning home, found no energy for the office work. There was solace in the print studio for a couple of hours, happy with that.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Coupeville and Canadians
Here's a typical day at the Pacific Northwest Art School in Coupeville, WA, where I'm teaching fabric printing When I asked today about my July 21-25 class, and my concern for Canada students, I got a reply from the director and board of PNWAS. They are offering a 15% discount on workshops over $330 for 2025 to show that current US policies are not a reflection of the school's policies. Bravo PNWAS!
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Stuff for Print Class
I'd always believed that all the stuff you need for a printing workshop with me would fit in a small bucket. Today at a zoom briefing for a class on the east coast, I did just that. Well, except for the screens, and the fabric. But all the rest fits! And when I fly, it all fits in my suitcase ('cept the bucket!).
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Pinup the Beauties
At the Printing Under the Influence's end I explained how these prints came about. I'm using screens made in class, and these are demo prints -- that is -- made to try out screens, colors, rubbings, stencils and all kinds if experiments. But as a group, they are definitely workable for a 'real' piece. Great.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Golden Golden Birthday 2/25/25
I've no evidence of well wishes or cakes consumed, just work on the design wall. I was able to get out to the studio today to work. It's nearly finished, mostly resolved. I loved my day to do what I wanted and know that people thought about, me and let me know. And I know the year ahead is going to be fine.
Monday, February 24, 2025
One Motif, Two Ways
My equal starts, separate conclusions -- the homework for today. Made with images I cooked up for this class. I'll take these with me to Santa Fe (March) and Coupeville, Washington (July) for my printing workshops. One spot left in former, a couple in the later.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Doing My Homework
We're on to the second week of Printing Under the Influence tomorrow and I've managed to squeeze some time in the print studio to finish out some of the pieces I've started last week. I did assign a homework challenge, and I did one as well. We'll see how the washout goes.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Tell Me About Mackinac
Yes, that's me giving a hearty welcome to this seminar. Thing is, I've never been to Mackinac Island and I'm very curious to know what it's like. I'll be teaching a week there, from freezer paper templates to improv design. And it will be Spring! That alone sounds good. Tell me if you know about this seminar.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Traveling With Me
When I drive to teach a printing class, I will often make the thickened dye that we'll use in the class a day ahead of the class, and bring it along so that we can dive right into the workshop. I loved this image -- like Christmas all over again -- of the box of dyes and thickener delivered and dusted with snow.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Slight of Hand
Off to its forever home, Slight of Hand is in a beautiful home in Buffalo, New York. Part of the exhibition for October 2024 and all things square, I'm certain that it will give joy in it's new installation.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Test Results
As promised, here is the yard+ of the combination fabrics. I've a variation of color uptake here. I've two reds, two yellows, two blues, black and chartreuse. My stable pallet works for me, and this will inform how much I'll strengthen some of the weaker. Tyvek labels sewn before soda ash label the fabrics.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Re and Vamped
Redone, redesigned, retrofit, reworked, and relieved. I had a chance to get to the studio, with it's indoor temp around 56 F but was prepared and bundled up. I renegotiated this one to tell a different story, and I think I like what I reread. Too many metaphors for you all? I've got work to do! Reams.
Monday, February 17, 2025
Printing Influentially
Using an old unfinished print (unwashed, still soda in it) I tried some stencils and over scraping to change the feel of the design. It's open for more prints, and I'll try some Wednesday when the Printing Under the Influence workshop continues. Meanwhile, I was happy to stay put as we had about 8" of snow. Here is what I woke up to at 7 am.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
One, Two, Three Testing
I have new types of fabric to print so I combined them by sewing together, soda soaking, then scraping thickened dye across each. My tyvek tags inform the type of fabric. I'm looking forward to printing for apparel.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Design Workshop
I'll be part of the Mackinac Island Quilting Art Seminar with a set of classes on Improv Piecing. I love seeing how design walls bloom into the fabulous designs after just a few prompts. Think about joining me in Michigan for the sew-fest. Info in my website calendar
Friday, February 14, 2025
Real Landscape or No
While there was clear roads (no snow), I popped over to Main Street Art Gallery in Clifton Springs, NY to check out a painting exhibit by Bradley Butler. This large one had me wanting to make it -- but in thickened dyes. The effects he could do with paint produced moody and magical images.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Viewers Choice
Just when I thought I had it figured, it went ahead and flipped around. Well, it was windy here, and yes, my shutter has blown off the house, but I didn't think this would happen. Anywho, now I've got to see which one will finish. You take a look too.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Snow Moon
A snap fill-in for the full "snow moon" tonight. This is page from The New Yorker magazine where the cartoon illustration on the page's reverse layered-in when lit by the morning light from behind. It reminded me of an exhibition of Robert Heinecken's work I remember from an exhibit of the 80s.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Designed But Not Done
I've moved things around and they've settled in the groove. I've now piecing to do, and that'll be Friday's task. It'll finish out at around 6' square. There's another waiting in the wings that I'm anxious to start. Is it that there's too much snow, or that April will be nuts (and no design time) that keeps me plugging away?
Monday, February 10, 2025
Waltz Time
I've spent time this weekend laying plans for the 2025-26 teaching, and now it's time to get over to the studio and hunker down. I've got two shows that need work, some tricky sizing-up, and know that the months after March I won't be able to devote brain waves to new compositions as easily.
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Digging Around
While I was getting ready for last Friday's open studio I happened on this piece. It's not large, maybe 40 square, but has the hidden squares I love to use. I'll take it with me when I teach the "Within the Frame" class in Massachusetts, and in Mackinac Island Quilting Seminar in May. Can't wait.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
I'm Still Here
The day started with a meeting of the Finger Lakes Fiber Artists in Auburn, New York, and finished with a concert of wonderful folk music. I drove home is hazardous snow conditions, made it and parked. After a day with artists and musicians it would a fine last day. But I made it home safely, and I'm here.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Schweinfurth Printing
Details for the class this May 6-9 for printing fabric at the Schweinfurth Art Center in Auburn, NY, are up on their website. It's a great open space to print, and we make the best of that. Meanwhile, enjoy "Just Around the Corner" which a visitor to our First Friday open studios named for me. I think it fits.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Time Gets in the Way
Somehow a basket or three of fabric scraps has shown up at the studio. All lovely little bits. But small. Too small. I could sew them up into larger bits, but then I'd have bits, still. And I can make better use of that time. And no, I'm not going to bag them up and sell them. But they are getting out of hand.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Critic on Staff
I'm happy to work alone, letting the brain argue with the yes and no of design. My only companion knows to keep silent. She's been looking over the progress of the latest work; I hope to have it finished in a week or so.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
A Bit of Chaos
It's finished and hung. I made it the exact measure of another so that when I travel to the Festival of Quilts to exhibit there, I can suspend them back to back. And yes, it's called 'Chaos", as it seemed fitting. BTW, join me in Coupeville, Washington in July 21-25 to print like this! Pacific Northwest Arts School.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Adding Sleeve
It's snow now turned to rain, so I'm happy to keep sewing the facing and sleeve. This is just what I like to do in the winter, plus there's already another loaded on the longarm waiting for my return. Let's see it hung up for tomorrow, shall we?
Sunday, February 2, 2025
What's In a Name?
I think about giving titles to pieces so that I can remember them (I'd not remember a number). I thought if this detail of the large quilt was named "Groundhog Day" you would find the subject some symbolism. Power of suggestion, perhaps. Anyway, Happy GH Day!
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Contemplative Work
It was that kind of day -- a quiet, peaceful, move slowly about kind of day. I worked in both studios, finished the quilting for "Chaos" and then trimmed it and added the facing. Now I'll sew that down. More quiet to match the 6 degrees outside.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Waiting on the Design Wall
I've scrambled the lower portion of this piece, and I like the progression. I'll move some things around. For my "Columns" fan, this was part of the solution, and for my "Make It & Break It" fans, I've used some of that process as well. Following my OWN advice for this one.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
A Quilting-We-Will-Go
I'm happy the dark and cold keep me indoors, I can stand to spend hours at the longarm without the yearning to be outdoors. I've climbed about 1/3 of this piece, saving some for tomorrow. I split my time between studios today, stopped for groceries, then hunkered down to tackle this. Good day all 'round.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
The Memory Stash
I'm using fabric I purchased long ago for a backing fabric. It's hard for me to part with some of these because each contains a memory of where it came from, who may have given it, or what I used the fabric for elsewhere. But this is my way of using it and a way to have it stay part of my work.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Finished No Name
Happy to watch programs while sewing the facing and sleeve. Now that it's finished it needs a name. I can only think that it reminds me of a dancing Snoopy from Peanuts, but I need better. I'll live with it a while, till something hits.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Reds and Pinks
I disassembled my already tumbled pile of prints looking for some red/pink fabric that someone requested. This may be a contender. I'll be printing soon virtually in February, and then for real in Santa Fe. But I've carved out a week in May, near home, in Auburn, New York, to print at the Schweinfurth. Home Printing!
Sunday, January 26, 2025
How Do You Subscribe?
Here's a look at the completed top, I'm finishing it soon. Meanwhile, I was asked how one subscribes to this blog. Darn if I know, but there are a couple of hundred of you who figured it out. Can you enlighten me as to the trick??
Saturday, January 25, 2025
I had this waiting in the wings, and suddenly it became the center player. I think that's the case because it has clearer, more defined elements. So, I constructed it yesterday and am quilting it today and tomorrow. My incentive is that I can watch a movie while I sew the facings and sleeve.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Why Stencils?
I give you a glimpse into the studio, where I hang a piece of printed fabric each day I'm there. Today I answered an email question from someone who will printing virtually next month -- why need stencils. Searching long for an example (found), then came to work and it was staring at me, upper left of center.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Creeping Progress
I hauled my sorry self over to the studio today. I've reconfigured the one on the main wall, but I'm not satisfied as yet. It's about 74" square. Maybe it's too similar to others I've made, or it's not reached its potential. I like the idea that is has potential!
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Pick and Choose
The second day of my virtual workshop Within the Frame took a look at how the surrounding design interacts with the center. These two of many tryouts struck a chord with the class. I will have toe decide which to use, or perhaps make them both!
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