Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Let's Talk Color

Since the workshop next week is all about color (let's hope not 100%), I figured that I should at least address the issue. So, here's the excercise for color and its relationship to a background value. I'm tempted to make a cute book out of this, but won't. Onward to Print Me a Color


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

I'll Keep These

I finished a dozen or so pieces, and I might have to keep these. They are unusual in both the dark and light values, and the marks are distinctive. Plus, I like them too much to let them go. Maybe I'll bring them to Coupeville and Juneau, just to encourage working differently.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Happily Unfinished is Finished

Returning home from a printing workshop always means a stack of half-printed pieces. They make the most wonderful beginnings. I can pick up where I left off, but with the advantage of new images and ideas. It's the same with leaving an 'in progress' piece on the design wall. The return look has fresh eyes.