I went across the border today to see the exhibit "World of Threads" in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. I can't begin to say all of what is on view -- it's the big, the small, the colorful and muted -- and all great ideas to spark creative new work. Check it out, by all means. This installation by Judith Martin is a blast.
Contemporary Art Quilter Pat Pauly's random thoughts and excursions made public.
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Bindings for Something Else
[yes, a day late -- oops, forgot to hit "publish"] Binding detail on a little vest made with the quilted fabric shows that you can indeed use those hard leaned techniques for other than quilts. I've even resurrected a bound buttonhole as well. In a casual style, for the Beyond Fashion show this December 8 at RIT.
Monday, November 27, 2023
Full Moon Long Ago
My full moon for this month comes from my latest trip to Baltimore Museum of Art. This is a drawing of mixed media on paper from about 1695 by Maria Clare Eimmart of the moon's surface. Works from only women were shown, and my guess is that these were not commoners, but had status and time to create.
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Small Business Saturday
I've got to wait to reveal the garments I'm making till after the December 8th show, so here's the diversion for Saturday. Since it was Small Business Saturday, a trip to the Rochester Art Supply was in order. And yes, I did grab some fabulous printed paper. The assortment is amazing.
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Fabric With Monogram
I've not decided how I'll use this cotton printed fabric for the Beyond Fashion show. The Lella and Massimo Vignelli Center for Design Studies is the sponsoring group at RIT, and I felt it fun to use the initials of these two designers for a few pieces. Reveal in a few weeks. Stay tuned.
Friday, November 24, 2023
Coat is Started
I've laid out a pattern that I've had for years, and I'll use the largest size that is there. It promised to be a simple coat, and the pieces are few. I'll forgo the lining, as the back of the quilted fabric will be fine. I'll just have to figure out how to handle seaming, covering seams, and binding edges. So, not so simple!
Thursday, November 23, 2023
A Day's Work
A few hours on the longarm gave yards to work from for the coat. It was difficult to estimate the amount of fabric. I think I had about 80" x 120", joined, pieced, reassembled, but mostly using it for the whole pieces minimally cut. Here it is coming off the machine. I used a burgundy color thread throughout.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Coat Fabric
Back at the Studio 301 I've laid out some fabric to quilt for making a coat. I'm trying to finish the set of garments for the RIT Beyond Fashion show. I thought it would be appropriate to make a garment that was, well, quilted.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
It's All in Black and White
An intriguing look at life in a grand manner is this paper cutout from the 1700s (I think.) I love the stylization of the figures, the deer, the tree forms, and the horses. The coach has perspective; very clever this artist. From the Baltimore Art Museum's current exhibit on women's art in Europe 1400-1800.
Monday, November 20, 2023
Scavenger Hunt
My granddaughter and I had a scavenger hunt; one of the items was a hat. I found many at the BMA, but this one alluring. The color -- poison green -- was a delight, as well as the patterning of the print. Painted by a woman, and the reason for it being in the exhibit, was not apparent. Just nice, no matter the hand.
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Baltimore Art Museum
My trip to BAM was to see the exhibit "Making Her Mark: A History of Women Artists in Europe, 1400 - 1800" which is splendid. But this work by Jackie Miland in the contemporary galleries was of great interest. The base was a painted coverlet with paper, fabrics, and other substrates added, as well as paint.
Saturday, November 18, 2023
The Continuing Leaf Series
Found on the street, this is one large Gingko leaf. I love the shape, the fan if it, the color, the tooth gap quality. Next time I get leaf prints going, I've got to clone this shape. Keep a file, friends, of the images that cause you to copy the intent. Then make use of them.
Friday, November 17, 2023
A Look (at the) Back
Apparel is seen three dimensionally, so that if I wanted to see my garment work, I'd have to put it on someone or something other than me. A distinct disadvantage. So a studio neighbor agreed to try it on so that I could attest to the piece's structure.
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Grid Fabric
I've tucked the pattern into the selection of grid fabric, moved it aside in Studio 301 for today's tour with the MAG council. About 20 women toured the studio getting a run down from the "how do you start" to "what finishes do you use." Wonderful questions, and honored to be a part of their tour.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Visitors with an Image
The RIT Beyond Fashion show will have heavy graphics, not the least because it's part of the Vignelli Center's mission, and based on the Vignelli's grid system. These upperclasssmen came to Studio 301 to find images, get info, and plan how they will cover my "collection" for the show. How great is that?
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Fall Encompasses Us All
I've no new 'today' images, as I've just finished a two day workshop. This is the view outside one of the classrooms at Art Quilt Tahoe. I reminded me that fall would be waiting for me home, and yes, that bit of leaf piling I did last night before it got too dark to see.
Monday, November 13, 2023
Who Knew?
Within the Frame, my newest workshop, debuted today. While demonstrating how to set the inside square (I know, hard to see, which is the point) I grabbed an old print that had little value. Then this appeared, and gosh, I kinda liked it. There is a lot of life, action, hmmm, like my younger self!
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Half Circle Dot Skirt
One more piece for the RIT Beyond Fashion show is nearly complete. The half circle skirt is a cotton print of mine that I made at Hudson River Valley Workshop summer before last (when no one was looking.) I've got to make a top; that's in the works. Yep, that's my weekend!
Saturday, November 11, 2023
While Waiting
I saw this outside the gate while waiting for my Denver to Chicago flight yesterday. Heck, what is going on? These folks we just outside the gate door, a stones throw from the luggage trucks below. Such a strange scene, vast land in the back. Complete with gas fire pit, by the way. What next?
Friday, November 10, 2023
On My Way Home
Last night's light to send me home. Today was an early rise for my ride to Reno Airport, then Denver, then Chicago, and then to Rochester. Bags all there, Uber just fine, home again. New list started!
Thursday, November 9, 2023
My Wonderful Class
A mighty troop of printers they are! A week with Art Quilt Tahoe proved a perfect way to share a surface design process that included more ways to print than we had time for. They were great to be among, and no doubt that they will use what they've made this week for some splendid works.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Decisions, Decisions
Knowing how to print comes quickly, knowing what to print not as fast. The time to decide, ponder, wonder, and replace takes time and patience. Still, worth the effort to print the intriguing composition. Still at Art Quilt Tahoe.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Meeting of the Minds
We started our day with a look at what we did yesterday, and lots of ideas for how to carry on. This group is sharp, kind, and terribly fun. Only missing thing is tea and scones delivered at 3.
We Are Printin'
It took only a day to populate the entire room with color, texture, and imagery. Art Quilt Tahoe gave us weather to match.
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Lake Tahoe
It's difficult to say how beautiful this piece of the country is. Art Quilt Tahoe is directly on the lake, and to get from class to lunch you walk just a few feet from the water's shore. We also were treated to an exuberant sky, quite dramatic. Perhaps a foreshadowing of our week ahead.
Saturday, November 4, 2023
What's On the Wall
Before I travel to Art Quilt Tahoe, I snap a shot of what I leave on the wall in Studio 301. Somehow, I think I like where it is going. So, when I return, it'll be the work I welcome.
Friday, November 3, 2023
Letting Me Know
I don't know if my cardinal friend stays around in the winter, or flies away. But during Spring and Summer he's around and we sing to each other. He stopped by a day ago to get out one last message, perhaps I will see him this winter, perhaps not. But I'll be flying tomorrow, and I hope he finds another pal to sing to.
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Printing for the Storm
Snow landed, briefly, in town, so yes, there was a 'storm', but it was mainly in the print studio. I'll be showcasing these silk scarves for the First Friday open house at Studio 301. Any left, and there should be plenty, will travel with me to Art Quilt Tahoe. And snow there is fine, too!
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Getting Griddy

I've printed this cotton and started a summer shift using the print. I've got a few things more to do, but feel I've answered the call to use the grid in the design. If this works, I'll make my favorite polka dotsmin the next one. This is for the RIT Fashion show in December.
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