Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Year's Greetings

Lighting a sculpture is my celebration for this new year ahead. My heartfelt thank you to all who travel this journey with me. What was a cancelled year became one of great change, and it's all from your support that I can survive (and thrive!). Thank you very much for all you've done, I couldn't have done this without you. Now, let's get to 2021!

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Next Blob

 This set of four fat quarters had intentionally-made shapes set in to the background. And I added lines. Because they're fun. Then I wanted to see what would happen when I cut it apart. I'm not composting here, just making a blob. The other set was made with shifting and piecing. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


My full moon view is never spectacular,  but that I am alive and can experience this, which is enough to give this picture cred. We've just days to go before turning the calendar year, and next month's moon will be seen in a different light.

Monday, December 28, 2020

On the Wall

And out the door. Delivered to the portrait show at Studio 402 of the Anderson Art Building here in Rochester and in good company. I'll stop in and see the show in a couple of weeks -- but masked and not staying long indoors. 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Self Portrait with Hat and Cigarette

Quick work if you have a longarm. And fun to just draw around what's there. The hat has "feathers" and there emerged a dangling cigarette. I use wool batting and just a few thread colors. I do like the drawing part of the quilted line. Delivery is tomorrow. 

Saturday, December 26, 2020


I managed to pull a figure out of that print. Bonus points for adding a hat and cigarette. There is quite a bit of piecing, but I didn't add anything that wasn't there in that one half yard piece. What started as a demo for printing is now a character with attitude. 

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Green

As we brown-down for winter, and snow is a no-show, I thought today's Christmas wrap should be green. (This has been going on every day since March 15.) I wish all in the blogosphere a lovely Christmas Night. And thank you, my friends, for your company each day. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Portrait Round Two

I  wasn't feelin the love with the first portrait I started. It was all right, but not something I'd want to hang in a show, so I've selected this half yard piece to work with. Let's see if I can make a "me" out of it.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Add Some Green

My web techie asked me to add some green fabric to my web store. I tried, but somehow fell into the blues. They'll get posted in a couple of days, just in time for 2020. And I've got 20 new ones. But not all green. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Oh the Design Wall

I've not often this much clear space to layout. Or maybe it's because these works are smaller, and I can have a few at once. Second set is made, using just about all four fat quaters in a 10 1/2 square. I've another set to make. Just to try a variant. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Next Set on the Cutting Table

With four fat quarters, I've made the second blob. There's no real direction here, and it finishes at about 28 x 36. I'll try to get nine squares out of this 10.5 x 10.5. We'll see.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Nine Patch From the Blob

I got nine squares from my blob, and just about nothing left over. I've spun these blocks every which way, but still think they're not the best. I blame the fabric choice. Still better than the blob. Stay tuned.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Of Course I Cut It Up

The project calls for me to cut up my blob, so I used a grid of 8 1/2" squares. The first cut was placed so that I could save some of the points and curves in the blob. Next time I will definitely use different combinations of fabric, but I will follow this one through it's demise, er, ending.

Friday, December 18, 2020

The Big Blob

Yes, all sewn together. Willy and Nilly. Still think it's a bit of too many solo performers in this group, but I'll keep going. I refer to this as a big blob, or an octopus where everything is connected and unshiftable. If that is even a word.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Are Those Leftovers?

Meanwhile, on table #2 I've got some great scraps with which to experiment. Here's the bunch I've grabbed. Lesson, use a palette that will hang together. This might not. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Foreground Background

Trying to get the silhouette to stand apart from its surroundings. I've got lots of fabric to play with, and this should work. It's about 18" square here. The fabrics are printed with monoprints and rubbings. These are my 1/2 yard experiments that are just perfect to use for a small piece. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

First Mock Up

Now that I've got the head parted, I can fool with the background. It's a simple set, really. Just one object on another. But this seems too simple. So, back to the stash. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Back to the Drawing Board

I've a portrait to make for an upcoming show for January, so my plan was to draw it out and use freezer paper to assemble. I'll check the fabric choice, but methinks there'll be some changes afoot. Yes, I had to go back and label the parts, as well as give it the outside edge. No escape!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Christmas Shopping

"Soap Bubble"  a printed yard, with another great name from my tech support, is still on my website store. Just a reminder that these ship toot sweet via the US mail. They're great for a friend, but tell the truth, you'd want to keep it for your self. 


Saturday, December 12, 2020

Are Your Lights On?

Somehow I was taken back to the days (1979) when there was an energy crisis and Carter asked Americans to limit their christmas lighting. That seemed so restrictive at the time, but now would seem so trivial compared to not gathering at all for the holidays. How times do change. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Ghost Class Virtually

Take Two's virtual class is on the screen, but everyone has gone to get sewing, or gathering, or cutting, or ironing, or whatever took them away from listening to ME and my pearls of wisdom. Believe me, it was fun, fast, and lots of fabric on those design walls flying.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

How I Wish It Was

Photo (that needs credit because I took it from the web) shows the best help a gal could have. Today when I taught a virtual class I was thankful that students couldn't see me toss cut up fabric, demo blobs, and scraps in heaps across multiple tables. I need to find some assistants. They don't even need ties.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

How It's Done Right

Part of the benefit of taking a virtual class is that you really think about your own work space. When it was time for laying wet printed fabric flat, students designed amazing new ways to dry their prints. I'm sharing Karen's brilliant solution. I might just have to be her student!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Day Trip

My mission today had little to do with my studio work. I was the kitchen designer on call to measure a house my daughter is interested in. This is the carriage barn on the property, and it's not in great shape, but so part of the vernacular. I am drawn to forms that are iconic, lasting, and have become our landscape.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Baking Day

For a couple of decades, I think, Nancy and I make this particular cookie. 2020 threw a curve, so yes, we zoomed the baking day. And I did other things, but this too. Plus, I had to eat all the ugly ones.

Brain Freeze

Yesterday must have been a big day. Oh, now I remember. It was. Work in the kitchen, and mainly filling registration lists for 2021 classes. I was blown away by the response, and one class is full. I'm so thankful for all the people who've added a workshop with me to their calendar for next year. So very thankful.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Classes for 2021 FINALLY

Dither hither. When it's live, it's done. So, here's the list of virtual classes for 2021. A few oldies (but goodies) and a couple of new. New, because I'm interested in doing them! (How's that for selfishness?) Check 'em out. and my calendar has a few of my in-person dates.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Know When to Fold Them

Part of my little basket of demos includes a quick lesson in how to squeeze new shapes and graphics from a printed fabric. This example uses a clear high contrast graphic so you can see what happens. It's one way I take bold graphics and reassemble to make and abstract image.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Show and Tell

There is an adage "show, don't tell" where it's better to demonstrate with real stuff rather than words. So, talk all you want, but better to get out a pile of fabric (to discuss choosing a palette and graphics to work) and a pile of quilts (to show composition and layout). The second day of Take Two Virtual was more fun than I planned. Next year, more. I'll post the dates over the weekend.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

In the Studio With Friends

The first snowfall of December and it was fitting that you wouldn't be comfortable sitting here. Rather, I was in my studio with 10 wonderful people working out (virtually) the kinks of improv design. Can't say enough how much fun I have. It's the closest I have to company visiting. But no need to vacuum.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

I Can't Keep Them All

These prints emerge from the wash, finished and slated to be put on the website for sale. But then, hesitation starts. Can't I keep this? I'll have to make another. But will it have the same feeling? Ah, the dilemma.