Contemporary Art Quilter Pat Pauly's random thoughts and excursions made public.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
End of a Long Day
Tom, thanks for that wine from Christmas. I finally cracked it open and shared it with friends after an action packed day. Long time since I've done that. Toasting the end of January, and a very long year.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Thing One, Thing Two
A raw shot of Thing Two taken just for a record. Off it went with its better half, Thing One, to RIT's ShopOne2. That is a little, and pretty terrific, gallery on the campus, in their Global Village complex. And my Things are in good company.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Deer Friends
Don't be fooled, there are 7 more hiding in the brush. They were out in the yard doing their winter maintenance -- fertilizing, pruning -- you get the idea. Wish they would get a real job, so they could take vacations at least.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Checking for Fit
The freezer paper template is checked against my fabric. The veins are cut freehand, then it is all pieced. But with some guidance from my drawing. Hope that the work will retain some of that freehand cut feel.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Searching for the right pairing of these two leaves for the boots quilt. Thought you might like to see the progress.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Ninety-nine Years for Mom's Birthday
There are just nine candles here, but we did not want to set off the fire alarms. Happy Birthday, mom, and thanks for the gift of longevity.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Need a Spoon?
Quick trip down the mall way to take care of upcoming birthday presents and I was stopped (and moved to document) this window from Anthropologie, where they constructed a "dress" (ditto background) with dyed wooden spoons. Understated color. And GREEN.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Starting Somewhere
Can't find my camera, so the LG phone will have to do for now. First leaf is taking shape, and the cold is forcing me to concentrate on making progress.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Night Light
There are colder parts of this US, but it is cold enough, thank you. The scene near Starry Nights Cafe tonight with a dusting of lake effect snow on the way.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Background Camouflage
Camouflage the back? You bet. I love to hide my stitches, and even better, to sink my sleeve in the fabric back as well. My pin cushion is a hunk of spray painted cloth, left over from Mary Diamond's class on portraits.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Throwing Fabric at the Wall
Often, people think that we (fiber artists) just throw fabric on the wall, and figure that what ever sticks, works. Not so easy. Here is the pattern on the fringes, and the fabric test. Now we will see what comes of it.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Finished and Bound
Last seen in November, my shibori half-square triangle quilt is bound. Though you might like to see how I approached the quilting. I'll be bring this with me to teach the pattern in Lancaster this March.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Jeanne's Great Hanging Idea
Jeanne, fellow Peep and author of Quilt2012 blog, shows he trick for tucking a piece of foam core board in the attached ears of a small-sized work. The hanger is attached to the board, making hanging easy. Apparently, not a new trick, but certainly new to me!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Facing the Blank Page
It is just like loading the white page into the typewriter, which no one does anymore, when the design wall is clear and waiting. My boots are the catalyst for the design. I have the drawing, now I will grab the freezer paper to make the template.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Perfectly Packed
Strangers in Paradise is back from its travels. I am always happy to see the box return. And the packing material -- extra noodles, bits of foam, plastic foam sheeting -- keep it from rattling around. In this case it was Schweinfurth that did the packing, and it was done perfectly.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Blank Walls
Once that tree goes on the curb, I get in decorating mode. Here is my exercise in editing. I took a yard of screened and painted lightweight muslin and framed it up. A pair should do the trick for my blank wall.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Twist and Tie Shibori
At the day's end, when the energy to create is gone, I like to do processes like wrapping poles for shibori dyeing. Here is my pvc pipe, cloth wrapped and then twisted, and shoved down. I am halfway through. Then I will rubber band the top. Rubber gloves give me grip.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Kuba Cloth to Frame
Made of raffia, woven in beautiful patterns, this kuba cloth was hard to resist years ago. Now I think it is time to unwrap it and frame it properly. I have already attached it to a backing muslin, and now I can look for the perfect frame.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Getting Packed for Teaching
March is a long way off, but this winter is the best time to get my supplies ready and packed for teaching in Lancaster. And with my trusty assistant around, it goes lickety-split.
Friday, January 11, 2013
End of the Day
Long day, lots to do, not enough time and energy, and a need to recharge. Time to curl up and try again tomorrow -- it is the end of the day.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Snow Business
We're having a meltdown outside this weekend, so there might not be much snow left. Thought it would be nice to remember Christmas Eve's dessert with the decorative snow. No doubt our snow will return; but this chocolate cake will not.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Go Big (It's Better)
My friend Bev said the larger cutter would be better and by George, it is! I am sure that I have dissed this (even in my classes) believing that smaller is better, but after cutting 500 strips of fabric -- go big -- it is the best.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
It's in the Bag
My trusty assistant and I are getting kits of fabric strips ready for March's class in Lancaster. Lots of counting and lots of cutting, with dopey TV in the background.
Monday, January 7, 2013
So Garish to Start
Like that first awkward bow on the string, the underneath dying of this fabric seems loud and scratchy. But the over dying (with shibori) smooths and calms. That is what I am up to today.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Graphics to Inspire For

Spotted on Park Avenue, this decoration on an electrical box caught my eye. My apologies for poor image quality, but I do hope that you can see the birds and symetrical design. Just translates into quilting for me. Must be the red and white.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Random Signage
A walk around the newly reconditioned Culver Road Armory revealed this composition. I like the incised circle offset from the neatly stacked plaque and stenciled "no parking".
Friday, January 4, 2013
Double Dipping
First dye on the left, second (similar fabric) on right with a second over dyed. Guess I'll have to redye all the other simpler single dips. So much better.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
One More Look
It is quilted, and just needs a binding. But I am not sure it's finished. Might just cut it in two. Tomorrow is another day.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Oh, You Cut-Up!
Nothing beats a little dissection to make a stronger composition. I still think of this as a sketch, and like it much better than yesterday's version. Good stretching exercise, but I am still not finished.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Not Everything Works Out
This sketch for a mola challenge (see left) I tried today, just to see if I could sew those curves. I could, almost. But more important, that shape is just plain ugly. So, now for sketch numero due.
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