Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Judge's Comments

I finally unwrapped one of my works that went to Houston's show this year. One judge wrote after her comment, and this is a quote, "I know you'll find that comment aggravating." I never met her, but she assumes to know what I would find displeasing. Maybe I need her as my personal life coach.


  1. Who cares what a critic says? Like they could 'improve' anything. No one is forcing them to dance to the art in front of them. This is lively, expressive, daring and rhythmic. If someone can't appreciate the dark, right, corner the waving texture, the tilted white line and the focus point of the sprocket on the left, too bad for them.

  2. Jeez -- what was the comment?

    one of my guidelines in entering shows is to avoid those with judges' comments.

  3. Bob, you are so right. But what she was looking at was the stitching, which did not match a traditional even length, and exactness. In her world, creative and original is trumped by technique. So, I learned my lesson.

    And, Kathleen, you are so right, too. Why we need to see (or be supplied) with such exact comments, is beyond me. I never understood the joke about the "quilt police" until I experienced getting pulled over.

